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High Viscosity Asphalt Additive 价格:

Go Green Leachfield High Viscosity Asphalt Modifier Appearance of light yellow translucent particles, is a variety of polymers compounded from high-performance asphalt mixture modifiers, it is through the surface of the aggregate viscosity, reinforcing, filling, and asphalt modification, elasticity recovery, and other multiple roles to greatly improve the molding strength of asphalt mixtures and stability. The product is easy to use and can be widely used in drainage pavement, permeable pavement and other fields.

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With the rapid development of the national economy, my country's road mileage has increased, its grades have improved, road conditions have improved, and road traffic has also increased rapidly. Drainage asphalt mixtures are used in many countries in my country due to their good drainage, noise reduction, anti-skid and other road properties. It is widely used on provincial and municipal high-grade highways and urban expressways. In order to ensure that the drainage asphalt mixture has good drainage, noise reduction, skid resistance, high temperature rutting resistance and durability, high-viscosity asphalt modifiers have become a crucial link.

Go Green Licheng high-viscosity asphalt modifier  appears as light yellow translucent particles. It is a high-performance asphalt mixture modifier composed of a variety of polymers. It increases the viscosity of the aggregate surface, Reinforcement, filling, asphalt modification, elastic recovery and other multiple functions greatly improve the molding strength and stability of the asphalt mixture. This product is simple to use and can be widely used in drainage pavements, permeable pavements and other fields.

Licheng high-viscosity asphalt modifier has three functions:


A. Stabilizing structure

After being softened by the high temperature during the mixing process, Licheng's high-viscosity asphalt modifier fully combines with the asphalt and aggregates and fills and squeezes into the gaps of the graded skeleton, limiting the relative sliding between mineral particles and strengthening the It increases the interaction force between the mixture and makes the mixture structure more stable.

B. Reinforcing effect

The microcrystalline zone formed by the polymer in Licheng's high-viscosity asphalt modifier has considerable stiffness. It is drawn into a fiber shape during the mixing process. The fiber bodies overlap each other and are entangled together to form a body network. Like structure, the mineral particles are firmly confined within the network, thereby further improving the overall strength of the asphalt mixture.

C. Deformation recovery effect

Licheng's high-viscosity asphalt modifier is put into the mixing equipment of the asphalt mixture at high temperature. The additive is in a viscous flow state. Through wetting and infiltration, the modifier is evenly wrapped on the surface of the mineral particles. When the temperature cools, the interface of mineral cement in the elastic state has high stiffness and strength.

Production and construction technology:

A Mixture production

1. Dry mixing process: Using the direct input method, Licheng high-viscosity asphalt modifier (the addition ratio is 6‰~8‰ of the stone) and the dried aggregate are put into the mixing tank of the asphalt mixing building. Dry mixing is carried out in the middle, and after dry mixing for 10S, the base asphalt and mineral powder are added and mixed for about 40S.

2. Wet mixing process: Add Lihong high-viscosity asphalt modifier directly into the asphalt storage tank to be mixed in proportion (the mass ratio of modifier to asphalt is 10~14:90~86), and keep it at 180~ Continue stirring for 2 to 4 hours at a temperature of 190°C. After stirring evenly, the finished high-viscosity asphalt will become the finished product. When used, the high-viscosity asphalt is heated to 170~175°C and then directly pumped into the asphalt mixing plant for production of the mixture.

Remarks: During the production of the two processes, the aggregates are dried to 190~200℃, and the mixing should be uniform. All mineral particles are coated with high-viscosity asphalt, with no white material, agglomeration or serious segregation. The material temperature is controlled at 185~190℃.

B. Mixture storage and transportation

Open-graded high-viscosity asphalt mixtures have fewer fine aggregates, rapid heat dissipation, and higher asphalt viscosity, so long-term storage and transportation should be avoided.

C. Paving and rolling

Paving and rolling are carried out according to the normal construction organization. Since the viscosity of the high-viscosity modified asphalt mixture increases rapidly as the temperature decreases, the construction should be carried out as soon as possible when the temperature of the mixture is high.

Licheng high viscosity asphalt modifier technical indicators

Technical indicators
index parameter
experiment method
light yellow particles
GB/T 533
Ash content%
GB/T 4498
Melt index 300% elongation stress
GB/T 3682
GB/T 528

Index of OGFC asphalt mixture with high viscosity asphalt modifier added

index parameter
Test Methods
T 0708-2011
Marshall stability
T 0709-2011
Soaked Marshall Residual Stability%≥85
T 0709-2011
Analysis loss
<0.3T 0732-2011
Fort Kenta Scattered Losses%
T 0733-2011
dynamic stability
T 0719-2011

Packaging: 5kg bags, 200 bags/box

product namephotodescribePacking
High viscosity asphalt modifier5d5a4046be0dd.jpgLicheng high-viscosity asphalt modifier  has the appearance of light yellow translucent particles. It is a high-performance asphalt mixture modifier composed of a variety of polymers. It increases the viscosity and reinforcement of the aggregate surface. , filling, asphalt modification, elastic recovery and other multiple functions to greatly improve the molding strength and stability of the asphalt mixture. This product is simple to use and can be widely used in drainage pavements, permeable pavements and other fields.

5kg per bag

200 bags per box

20 boxes in a small cabinet

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