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Super Warm-mix Additive 价格:

Warm-mix additive (Super Warm-mix Additive, hereinafter referred to as SWA) for the high polymer modified asphalt binder, hot mix asphalt mixtures specially developed for the liquid surfactant class warm-mix additive, which can be melted and dispersed in asphalt materials can reduce the production of high-viscosity modified asphalt mixtures, mixing, rolling temperature of 35 ~ 45 ℃, with the modified asphalt mixtures to improve the construction of the construction of ease of operation and to enhance the performance of the role of road use.

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Super Warm -mix Additive (hereinafter referred to as SWA) is a liquid surfactant warm-mix additive specially developed for high polymer modified asphalt binders and hot mix asphalt mixtures. It can be dissolved and dispersed in asphalt materials. Medium can reduce the production, mixing, and rolling temperatures of high-viscosity modified asphalt mixtures by 35 to 45°C. It can improve the construction workability of modified asphalt mixtures and improve road performance.

Warm mix asphalt thin overlay can be used for preventive maintenance of high-grade pavement and corrective maintenance of minor diseases (pockmarked, loose, ruts with a depth of less than 1.5cm). It can also be used as a surface overlay for new roads, with anti-skid, Features such as noise reduction, drainage, wear resistance, and environmental protection can effectively extend the service life of the road, improve the smoothness of the road and the contrast between the road markings, and improve driving comfort.


1. Reduce the temperature of traditional hot mix asphalt mixture by 20~50℃, extend the construction season, and enable construction in lower temperature environments;

2. Significantly reduce the energy consumption of asphalt mixture production, reduce the emissions of CO2 and other gases and dust, reduce environmental pollution, and improve the quality of workers’ working environment;

3. Lower mixing temperature is helpful to reduce the aging of asphalt during construction, and is suitable for night construction and winter construction;

4. Extend the service life of asphalt mixing equipment and reduce equipment maintenance costs;

5. Pavements paved with warm-mix asphalt mixture are easier to regenerate;

6. The cooling effect of high-viscosity asphalt binder is significant;

7. Still has good thermal stability in hot asphalt;

8. Improve the fatigue resistance and water damage resistance of asphalt mixture;

Technical indicators of warm mix agent

Technical indicators
Test Methods
Appearance, 20℃
Dark brown liquid--
pour point
Flash point170
GB 267-88
densityg/cm 30.8~1.0GB/T 2013-2010
The benzene content of volatile organic compounds (VOC) is not greater than,mg/g0.0HJ 643

SWAl asphalt modifier and SBS modified asphalt IC composite modified asphalt (dosage 10%)

Brookfield rotational viscosity (100℃), not greater than

Pa.s≤ 5.0T0625-JTG E20


1) Density and volatile organic content are technical indicators of the physical form and environmental protection of the reaction warm mix agent respectively;

2) The viscosity reflects the viscosity reduction and cross-linking enhancement effect of the warm mix agent on the asphalt binder after it melts with the asphalt.

3) The asphalt used in the quality inspection of warm mix admixtures shall uniformly use SBS modified asphalt IC that complies with JTG F40.

Warming agent SWA is packed in 200L barrels and placed in a dry, cool place;

Product namepicture  
Warming agent

Mainly used in the production of warm mix asphalt,

It can improve the construction workability of modified asphalt mixture and improve road performance.

200L drum packaging

Place in a dry, cool place

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