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Color Polymer Slurry Mixture 价格:

1. Premix cold applied coloring material 2. Apply on both asphalt & concrete pavement 3. Thickness is 3mm 4. Suitable for heavy traffic driveways 5. Color long lasting over 5-8 years

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Colored polymer slurry mixture is premixed (manual paving). It is made of high-grade colored emulsified asphalt, colored composite graded aggregate, environmentally friendly weather-resistant pigments, and various additives through a fully automated production line. With low VOC content, it is a water-based environmentally friendly product with excellent hydrophobicity, aging resistance and comprehensive mechanical properties. It can reduce the absorption of solar heat radiation by the road surface, effectively reduce the aging problem of the asphalt layer, slow down the urban heat island effect, and extend the length of the road. It has a long service life, beautifies the urban environment, regulates traffic order, and meets various road surface usage requirements.


It is suitable for non-motorized lanes with irregular areas, steep road turns, and frequent changes in color, such as sidewalks, boulevards, bicycle lanes in commercial areas, school playgrounds, park trails, etc.


1. Surface treatment

  • Remove loose soil and dust from the surface of the asphalt base material and clean it; the surface of the concrete base material should be finely milled first to remove the floating slurry so that the surface has a structural depth of 2-3mm; then use a hair dryer to clean the dust;

  • Apply tape around construction areas;

  • Spray interface agent on the clean concrete substrate after milling. After the interface agent dries for 30 minutes, proceed to the next process. The dosage of interface agent is 0.2kg/m2;

2. Preparation work

  • The polymer slurry mixture is a two-component, main agent: curing agent = 25:1. According to the dosage, the ingredients are prepared according to the prescribed ratio. Pour the curing agent into the main agent and stir with an electric machine for 30 seconds; the polymer After the slurry mixture is prepared, use it up within 1 hour, otherwise it will gel and be scrapped;

3. Painting

  • To measure the surface temperature, the surface temperature must be lower than 45℃;

  • Apply the polymer slurry mixture for the first time, and after drying for 3 hours, apply the second time;

  • Coating parameters: Dosage for two coats of scraping: 3.5kg/m2;

  • After the construction is completed, it needs to be cured for 4-12 hours (depending on the temperature) before opening to traffic;

4. Precautions

  • No construction is allowed on rainy days;

  • Take protective measures during construction;

  • The polymer slurry mixture should be stored in a cool place and prohibited from exposure to sunlight;

Technical Index



Storage conditions: 5-35 ℃, prevent sun exposure, winter should take appropriate anti-freezing measures;

Shelf life: 6 months

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