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Chongqing Tong'an Expressway asphalt surface layer successfully closed the whole line


Chongqing News, October 23 (Zhang Xu Liu Yingdi) October 23, with the CCCC Yigong Bureau of the Fifth Engineering Co., Ltd. Datang Junction Interchange - Yushao Junction Interchange section of the last car of asphalt mixture paving is completed, Tongan high-speed asphalt surface layer of the entire line was successfully closed.


Tongliang to Anyue Expressway (Chongqing section) from the Yu Sui-Ruilian high-speed PuLu hub interchange, stop at the Sichuan-Chongqing provincial border TanJiaBa VulongXi and YuRong high-speed connection. Since entering the field, CCCC Yigong Bureau Fifth Engineering Co., Ltd. Chongqing Tongan high-speed project three sections according to the unified deployment of the headquarters, riveting energy, rise to the challenge, has overcome the difficulties of the relocation, tight schedule, heavy task, environmental protection requirements, such as high difficulties, the whole staff to grab the sunny days, fighting the rainy days, give full play to the party members of the vanguard, the role of the youth commando team role model, the systematic planning for the construction and production organization, to develop the project to promote planning, and continue to maintain the momentum of attack, to make the project to promote. Continuously maintain the offensive momentum, the site of multiple people, multiple equipment, multiple work sites "blossomed", with "break" vigor, "grab" consciousness, "fight" strength, "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight", "fight" and "fight", "fight". With "breakthrough" boldness, "grab" awareness, "fight" strength, "fight" courage, strive to create demonstration points, and fully promote the Tongan high-speed through the task of efficient landing.

In order to ensure high quality, high standard completion of asphalt paving operations, CCCC Yigong Bureau of the Fifth Engineering Co., Ltd. Chongqing Tongan high-speed project three parts of the continuous analysis, improve the asphalt pavement paving process, in Chongqing Quality Supervision Bureau detachment of help and guidance, held a number of special seminars on the asphalt pavement smoothness, invited a number of experts to carry out targeted guidance on the asphalt concrete proportioning, mixing, transportation, paving, rolling the various process links Continuous optimization, the implementation of quality supervision detachment, supervision and other multi-unit testing, double guarantee, to ensure that the paving construction in an orderly manner, efficient and high-quality, a molding, for the project was completed and opened to traffic on schedule to create favorable conditions.

Chongqing Tongan high-speed total length of 48.62 kilometers, of which 38.9 kilometers within the scope of Tongliang District, Tongnan District within the scope of 9.72 kilometers, in accordance with the bidirectional six-lane highway standards for construction, the design speed of 120 kilometers per hour, the territory of the construction of the planning of three high-speed switching hub and the stone fish, Pingtan two interchanges to fill the Tongliang western area of the history of the highway will be no, will be the Tongliang to the Anyue drive will be shortened from 1.5 hours to 40 minutes, the project will be completed on time. 1.5 hours to 40 minutes, can be realized in Sichuan Anyue and Yu Rong Expressway, He An Expressway interconnection.

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